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Sunday, 1 April 2012


This all began with a seed of an do I do more? How do I get more people in the photography community to do more?  How do I help showcase their "do more" projects?  Now that seed has grown into a teeny tiny plant...but we need some more nutrients to help it grow.  We need you to spread the word about what we are doing and who we are doing it for.  After all, this plant isn't really about the fruit, its about who we give the fruit to.

Are you a photographer?  We want to challenge you to contact a charity or not for profit group in your community.  Find out how you can help.  Is it an event you can take photos at? Pictures for their annual report?  Head shots of their board of directors? Or photos for their clients?  Let me know how you are doing along the way and together we can give a lot of fruit to a lot of worthy people!

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