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Friday, 20 July 2012

Help Save An Ass Project by Joao Carlos

Joao Carlos is an international, award winning fashion and beauty photographer, a Hasselblad master and he believes in giving back through his art.  So he was happy to contribute to The Association for the Preservation of Donkeys - Burricadas.  Founded in 2007, this organization is committed to saving, rescuing, and supporting aging donkeys in Portugal.  "Traditionally used as beasts of burden and drought animals throughout Portugal's rural areas, culturally donkeys have been seen as little more than agricultural tools". The Help Save An Ass Project is a beautiful collection donkey portraits by Joao Carlos. 100% of the profits going directly back to The Association of the Preservation of Donkeys, which receives no government funding or subsidies.  Their entire operating budget comes from private donations and fundraising projects like this.  In Portugal, the donkey will "endure a very difficult and harsh life, with hardly any affection and very little care.  Usually, after a lifetime of serving their masters, these animals are usually sold for slaughter, often as food for the big carnivores." The Help Save An Ass Project book can be purchased  here.

"I believe in Karma. I believe in hard work. I believe in love. I believe that what you get in life is a result of what you give..." ~ Joao Carlos

For more information on The Donkey Shelter, please visit their website at

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